Mahakal Temple of Ujjain will be MP’s first zero waste complex, 3R technique will be used

The Mahakal temple of Ujjain will be the first in Madhya Pradesh that is going to be the first zero waste complex in the state.

The waste of the temple will be recycled with the 3R technique. It will start on 15 February.

There is preparation to make compost and gas from flower garlands and other items offered in the temple. For this, the nearby shopkeepers are also being prepared.

Soon the entire Mahakal temple area will become a zero-waste area. The gas made from flower garlands here will cook food for thousands of devotees daily in the kitchen of the temple.

According to temple administrator Sandeep Soni, work has started and shopkeepers nearby have been ordered not to use single-use plastic. Whatever wet and dry waste comes out of the temple, a plant is going to be set up to recycle it and make manure and all the waste will be processed here.

Since the inauguration of Mahakal Lok, the modern facilities in the temple are continuously increasing.

There are a large number of plants on the temple premises including Mahakal Lok.

To keep them safe, the temple committee buys manure from other places. But after the plant is set up, the compost made from the wet waste will be useful for the plants planted here.

According to the information, an organic waste-to-compost plant is going to be set up in the surface area parking of Mahakal Lok.

The waste coming out with the help of this plant is going to be disposed of through the 3R technique i.e. reduce, reuse, recycle and compost will be prepared. Daily about 60000 devotees reach to have darshan of Baba Mahakal and due to the formation of Mahakal Lok, the area of ​​the temple has increased.

Till now the waste coming out of the temple was sent to the processing unit of the Municipal Corporation. Fertilizer was made from this here. The problem is that not all garbage is sent here.

Now with the setting up of the processing plant, the entire waste can be disposed of in the temple premises itself.

With the increase in the number of devotees, more garbage is also coming out. About 4 quintals of garlands and garlands are offered daily to Lord Mahakal. Apart from this, about 1 quintal of waste comes out from the food sector. In total, 5 quintals of garbage are collected daily.

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