Power cut update: In many areas of Shivpuri, electricity will remain closed for 6 hours and at some places for 8 hours

In the name of maintenance in Shivpuri district, continuous power cuts are being done by the power distribution company Shivpuri. Today once again electricity supply will be closed on 33 KV Khataura, 33 KV Ghasarai and 11 KV Sailing Club electricity feeder on 2nd November to do the necessary maintenance work by the power distribution company.
Due to the closure of this 33 KV Khataura power feeder, power supply will remain closed in all areas from Khataura and Bijrauni from 9 am to 3 pm on November 2.
Similarly, due to the closure of 33 KV Khataura and 11 KV Sailing Club electricity feeders, electricity supply in Ghasarai Water Plant and Tourist Village, Forest Vidyalaya, Sailing Club, Banganga area from 10 am to 5 pm on November 2. The power supply will remain closed in all the areas connected with Bhagora, Pathkheda, Banskheri and Vilokalan from 9 am to 5 pm on November 2 due to the closure of 33 KV Bhagora power feeder.

The electricity distribution company has issued information about power cuts in the area so that the people of the area can be aware of the power cuts.

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